Media Clips

What an Investor Needs to Know About Motion Picture Financing

Episode Summary

In this episode of the Media Clips Podcast, Host and GHJ Profit Participation Services Practice Leader Ilan Haimoff takes a look at motion picture financing, leading a discussion with two experts in the field. Adam Davids is the SVP Legal and Business Affairs for BRON Studios, where he has handled the financing and distribution legal since 2015. Davids has been the counsel for either production, finance or distribution on over 75 films, working with both talent and institutions in the entertainment industry. Brian Koscak is the Executive Vice President and Head of Business and Legal Affairs for Creative Wealth Media Lending Inc. He is also the General Counsel for Creative Wealth Media Advisors Inc. Creative Wealth Media is a film and television financing company that provides investors with access to private debt investments not available in public markets. Adam and Brian discuss their roles within the life cycle of a motion picture and share key considerations that investors and producers should keep in mind.

Episode Notes

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